Tuesday, 6 August 2013

This is to all the girls!!

Hey there,

Why are we all so set on trying to be ‘perfect’?  Why do girls try to be like size 0 models? Skinny does not look good, healthy looks good. You are made the way you are for a reason. We are all unique, so why try to be someone you're not, why try to be perfect when nobody is? What do you; yes you reading this think the definition of perfect is? Everyone has a different opinion on what's 'perfect'.

I'll tell you what I think is perfect. Being comfortable with who you are, not caring about what other people think of you because it only matters what you think of yourself, feeling beautiful, being confident, feeling happy, and most importantly not judging others for their looks because you wouldn't like to be judged either

I know that 'I'm no beauty queen I'm just beautiful me'. Yes, I do think I'm pretty -not because I am- but because I won't ever compare myself to anyone, because I don't care what other people say or think. 

I know my weaknesses and that makes me strong. Personally, I don't have a good feature on my face and people could compare me with a twig, but all those flaws and imperfections make us who we are, they make us beautiful. I won't ever say I'm not good enough. We are all good enough, one day we will all be good enough for our personal Prince Charming. It doesn't matter about what you see in the reflection, we all have beauty within. 

Beautiful dreamer



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