Thursday, 29 August 2013

Soaring hope

Hey there,

When I look into the sky and see a bird, I feel hopeful. 
'The birds can have something we can never have. But merely by existing - by flying before us - they add to the daily joys of existence. Birds are about hope.' 
For humans, flying is a dream that we can only try to achieve, but never will (unless you're on an aeroplane). Birds give us hope because with flight they can go wherever they please and glide through the sky.

I feel like hope is one of the most important feelings to have, after happiness of course. To be hopeful, is seeing the positive in the negative. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

I envy the birds, they are so beautiful, the way the glide and soar without a worry in the world.  The way they can feel freedom in every flight they take. Freedom. Something we all crave. The birds have it in a way we might not ever have. But we can hope to be as free as them, going where the wind leads. 

But 'in freedom, most people find sin'- the fault in our stars. This makes freedom dangerous, it makes it treacherous. But something about breaking the rules makes us feel alive. We do things we wouldn't usually do, and act on impulse, we don't think about the consequences. Which makes freedom amazing. 

So, be hopeful, be optimistic, be free. Even if it does mean breaking a few rules. 

Beautiful Dreamer

Friday, 16 August 2013


Hey there

A while back I watched this video and found it so inspirational.

This man loved his mother so much but didn't tell her until she was on her death bed. I think we can learn so much from this. 

We all take so many things for granted. Our families would do anything for us, but do we ever thank them for just being there? Our parents who go through so much just to raise us, suffering from boring jobs to maybe give us a better childhood compared to what they had. I know my parents have, they both came from poor backgrounds with only enough money to buy an outfit per year. My dad was born with six sisters and slept in the kitchen. From the time he was 18 he worked and worked until he got to the success he has nowadays. All for what? All for me, my brother and my sister. 

Yes, we are teenagers, we fight with our parents and yell 'I hate you' when they don't let us do what we want. They just care about us and don't want us to make stupid choices. We all love our family, no matter what, so don't take them for granted. Appreciate what you've been given. So, the next time you want to fight with them, stop and think about the things they have done for you. Learn from the mistakes of the man in the video. Say 'I love you' and tell your family what they mean to you before it's too late.

They are the people who will always love you, no matter what. 

Beautiful dreamer 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

All around the world

Hey there,

Recently I went on holiday to Bali (which is a beautiful island that belongs to Indonesia).  Everything about it was SO different from where I live. Different is good. Yes, I would say Bali belongs in the third world country zone. You grow crops in your garden, you eat it. You buy bricks, build your own house and live in it. But in a way that makes everything simple. I've remembered this quote ever since I heard it.

I love that their life style depends on hard work. In the back of gardens are patches of vegetables. There are paddy fields everywhere. Which are truly beautiful, but some people would just look at it and say it’s just grass..! Well no, I think it's a lot more, it’s food, energy, dependence, hard work and to sum it all up, it's exquisite.

Before, I said I wanted to enjoy the little things, and that's exactly what I did. One night I went to watch the sunset by the ocean with the ones I love, my family, it's one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. I would say watching the sunset is a safe haven for me. Please, next time you have that chance, go see it. It is captivating. 

There were SO many moments on this holiday I enjoyed, which made me realise. I've been to many places and I'm only 15. But the thing is there are so many cities, cultures, tourist attractions yet to explore. And I want to see them ALL. I guess what I'm trying to say is everywhere you go you will find beauty, whether it's in architecture, the natural landscape, a piece of the past, maybe even a single flower. This world is a beautiful gift so be mesmerised and appreciate the wonders it shows. 

Beautiful dreamer 

This is to all the girls!!

Hey there,

Why are we all so set on trying to be ‘perfect’?  Why do girls try to be like size 0 models? Skinny does not look good, healthy looks good. You are made the way you are for a reason. We are all unique, so why try to be someone you're not, why try to be perfect when nobody is? What do you; yes you reading this think the definition of perfect is? Everyone has a different opinion on what's 'perfect'.

I'll tell you what I think is perfect. Being comfortable with who you are, not caring about what other people think of you because it only matters what you think of yourself, feeling beautiful, being confident, feeling happy, and most importantly not judging others for their looks because you wouldn't like to be judged either

I know that 'I'm no beauty queen I'm just beautiful me'. Yes, I do think I'm pretty -not because I am- but because I won't ever compare myself to anyone, because I don't care what other people say or think. 

I know my weaknesses and that makes me strong. Personally, I don't have a good feature on my face and people could compare me with a twig, but all those flaws and imperfections make us who we are, they make us beautiful. I won't ever say I'm not good enough. We are all good enough, one day we will all be good enough for our personal Prince Charming. It doesn't matter about what you see in the reflection, we all have beauty within. 

Beautiful dreamer