Many times in life there are moments where stress takes over and we slowly lose control. As humans, we over think and analyse everything, and this brings stress into our lives. Over thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twist things around, makes you worry and makes everything worse than it actually is. We don't realize the effect of this, how mentally and physically unhealthy it is for us. We worry about the smallest problems, which is a waste of time and effort. These negative emotions kill the joy in our lives leaving us sad and frustrated.
Worrying is also a bad habit, but we can break habits and slowly with time, we are letting ourselves be free to be able to to be happy. Worrying is pointless, it doesn't change the future or what is going to happen. We could think up every possible problem to the things we do but that won't change the consequences we will have to face. It wastes time, and time is a precious thing that we don't cherish enough. We miss out on the important things while spending our time worrying.
How to get rid of stress and worry? Just take a breath. Smile. Yeah.. you should probably keep breathing or you'll die. Take one minute to close your eyes and clear your mind to focus on something positive. Tell yourself that worrying will not do any good and just relax. There are many ways to get rid of stress: meditate or have a girls day out and go to the spa, take an amazing bubble bath, do an activity you love, drink some tea, stuff your face with chocolate listen to music, have a dance party, shake off all the stress and have fun. I find that exercise - even just a long walk maybe - is a good way to get rid of anxiety or stress as you're relieving your body of all this pent up energy. There are so many little thing you can do to to stop your body and mind from stressing out. Stop over thinking small problems, if they can't be fixed there is nothing you can do. So empty your mind and just SMILE. Laughter is always the best solution! I'll finish with my favorite quote..
Beautiful Dreamer