Sunday, 1 June 2014


Hey there,

I don't know. I don't know how to live life the right way. How to make everyday memorable. How to fully live life without wasting time. I'm not sure if it's possible. I'm not sure of anything really. No one is I guess. We don't know what will happen in the future or even tomorrow. We don't know why we were all put together on earth. We don't even know who put us here, people have their theories and beliefs but who knows which one is right? Some people think everything happens for a reason, but what is the reason? I feel like people allow themselves to think this because if everything didn't happen for a reason, everything would just be a coincidence and there would feel like there is no meaning. I don't know again, if there is reason or if it's just coincidence. The thing is, there are so many unanswered questions that can never be answered, isn't that a little scary? Not knowing.  

I am a girl who wants to experience everything: happiness, heart break, jealousy, love, anger, depression ect I want to feel all the emotions possible. I want tonnes of amazing and shitty memories, that will change me and sculpt who I am. I am the girl with the huge bucket list and the girl who dreams of a 'perfect future' and the all places I could travel. But I have a fear, one that I will share with you. It's called torschlusspanik which is the fear that one's life is passing by. I hate knowing that I'm getting older and possibly running out of chances to do things even though I'm still in my teenage years. I just feel as though when I look back on a year there are only a few AMAZING memories that you remember. I'm scared that I'm wasting time doing stupid things, such as lazy days in the house or just watching YouTube videos. I'm afraid that I'm not experiencing enough. It feels like I'm not living my life to the fullest because most days are insignificant. 

What I do know though is that I have an amazing really dysfunctional family whom I love. Friends I could laugh with all the time who constantly make me smile. I know that I could pick up a book and read for hours on end or that I could play piano and feel peaceful. I could sing and strum a guitar really really badly while belting out the lyrics and have a dance party. I know that this earth that we were put on for whatever reason is full of wonders. 

I guess I do know quite a lot but not at all enough. We will never know everything, we are curious so we continue to trying to solve mysteries. But I think I've come to realise that everyday is full of hope and opportunities. That not everyday will be memorable and awesome. Because then I don't think we would fully cherish the best days. I don't think everyday has to be amazing to live life to the fullest. I think to live life to the fullest you just have to do what you want. If that's having a lazing day that's fine. By just living we are making memories, we don't need every single day to be special but every once in a while something amazing will happen and you will know that life is wonderful. 

I don't want to be scared anymore, although I know that life is passing by and we are getting older every second, but we are also living every second too, we are alive and we can choose how to live. It is our choice -nobody can tell you what to do- so take the chances that we come across and make amazing memories. Don't wait for a coincidence, it's all up to you. 

Beautiful Dreamer 

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Hey there, 

Marketing. A term we hear mostly in business. Definition: 'the action of promoting and selling products or services'. They even have big marketing departments in businesses to deal with the image of the product. Image. That's all it is, really it's deception, these firms set out to fool us and they do. We give them our money for what? Overpriced products made in cheap, dirty factories with underpaid staff in China. Let's take a drink for example, Red Bull the most famous energy drink in the world, what is it? It's basically 'water and syrup', sugar, more sugar and caffeine probably. Really, it taste like urine, not that I've ever tasted urine...Tonnes of people still drink it though-5.378 billion cans sold in 2013 to be exact-why? The answer is obvious...because it gives you wings. Something so simple but so very smart, an image that made a urine tasting energy drink worth billions. We don't drink it because it tastes good, we drink it to be 'cool', to try experience what the phrase 'gives you wings' feels like, we drink it because we like the idea of it. 

We follow trends to fit in, wasting money on useless things to improve our own image. Marketing. That's right, some people don't even realize that we do these things to market ourselves to others. To show people how awesome we are or how trendy or how rich. To show off our assets and personal traits. Why? Evolution that's why, humans: the most evolved animals on earth. In biology we learn about natural selection and Darwin finches blah blah blah. Natural selection is all about the way we adapt so we can survive and breed to pass on characteristics to succeeding generations. Survival of the fittest. Well my theory is the same for humans not only in physical environments but social environments too. We no longer need to make fire and hunt, those cave man days are over. We are smart now: building houses, inventing technology and machinery so they can be the slaves of our new generation, discovering new knowledge everyday, curing diseases or trying to..., writing great literature and painting beautiful masterpieces ect. Even though we do not need to physically adapt anymore to survive in different environments, we do try and adapt so we can survive in society. 

Everyone is the same, trying to live and fit into our messed up society, where there are millions of expectations to live up to. Girls who want to be stick thin because that's the image that has been drilled into their heads as soon as they look at any magazine cover, teenagers doing drugs, smoking and drinking because it's 'cool', where social interaction is rare because we are too busy typing on our phones, where people posts selfies so they can get compliments for looking like a very very very serious duck, guys who have no respect for girls-what happened to all the gentlemen who held doors for women-where commercials and marketing tell us what to own (I'm going to stop because this list is getting way too long). These aspects apply especially to teenagers who are trying to grow up as fast as they can and trying to figure out who they are. Adults don't fully understand how hard it is to live in this generation where we are constantly trying to impress others and be 'perfect'.

High school is the home of what I call the 'popularity food chain' where you are ranked by how well you live up to these expectations. How shiny you hair is, how fashionable your clothes are, how flawless your skin is ect. The popular (usually quite bitchy) girls are on top of this chain, they are the sharks, and the shy 'loser' (don't worry you're not actually a 'loser' if your unpopular) girls are at the bottom, they are the little fish. We want to be on top of this chain, it's our natural instincts, only the fittest survive and we want to be the 'fittest' even in social situations. So to do this, naturally we market ourselves, like any product we want to sell our image to others so they like what they see. Humor is a very appealing characteristic some people focus on that, telling jokes trying to make people laugh, marketing themselves as funny. Beauty, also very appealing (HA!),  tweaking and changing our outward physical appearance because we strive to be 'perfect', marketing ourselves to the opposite sex therefore enhancing their attraction toward you. We try to impress others too much, have you ever just stopped one second just to do something for yourself, to make yourself happy and impressed. Because you are the only person you should try to impress, how do you expect others to love you if you don't love yourself first. 

What I'm really saying is you who is reading this (hopefully someone), you don't need to market yourself as anything but you. Don't let anyone tell you what you have to be or do, make your own choices and take chances. You might screw up really big at some point maybe even unintentionally hurt the people you love most but when you make mistakes you learn and move on. Don't ever think you're not good enough because you are. When someone doubts you prove them wrong and then laugh in their face. You don't need to impress anyone but yourself. If you love something, do it, not for anyone else but for you. That seems quite selfish, but we are selfish people, we are greedy and sometimes even vain (survival instincts...just saying). You don't need to live up to any of these expectations or be 'perfect'. Even if you are the tinniest little fish in the ocean, you have a purpose, you are important and there are other tiny little fish just like you. Being a teenager you may feel alone but you aren't. There's a whole sea of fish out there, many many different species, each unique which means many opportunities, possibilities and chances in the future for love, friendship and happiness. Why market yourself as 'perfect' when you are already perfect. 

Beautiful Dreamer

PS. sorry for all the biology

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Stress Free

Hey there,

Many times in life there are moments where stress takes over and we slowly lose control.   As humans, we over think and analyse everything, and this brings stress into our lives. Over thinking ruins you. Ruins the situation, twist things around, makes you worry and makes everything worse than it actually is. We don't realize the effect of this, how mentally and physically unhealthy it is for us. We worry about the smallest problems, which is a waste of time and effort. These negative emotions kill the joy in our lives leaving us sad and frustrated.

Worrying is also a bad habit, but we can break habits and slowly with time, we are letting ourselves be free to be able to to be happy. Worrying is pointless, it doesn't change the future or what is going to happen. We could think up every possible problem to the things we do but that won't change the consequences we will have to face. It wastes time, and time is a precious thing that we don't cherish enough. We miss out on the important things while spending our time worrying. 

How to get rid of stress and worry? Just take a breath. Smile. Yeah.. you should probably keep breathing or you'll die. Take one minute to close your eyes and clear your mind to focus on something positive. Tell yourself that worrying will not do any good and just relax. There are many ways to get rid of stress: meditate or have a girls day out and go to the spa, take an amazing bubble bath, do an activity you love, drink some tea, stuff your face with chocolate listen to music, have a dance party, shake off all the stress and have fun. I find that exercise - even just a long walk maybe - is a good way to get rid of anxiety or stress as you're relieving your body of all this pent up energy. There are so many little thing you can do to to stop your body and mind from stressing out. Stop over thinking small problems, if they can't be fixed there is nothing you can do. So empty your mind and just SMILE. Laughter is always the best solution! I'll finish with my favorite quote..

Beautiful Dreamer 

Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Hey there, 

Have you ever felt like you don't fit in? Well I have, when I moved school that was exactly how I felt. I stood out, I was the 'new girl' who turned up in the wrong class, who was shy and quiet and I didn't know what to do. I remember it was a scary experience and I felt so alone that I would want to cry. But it is fine now, I've made amazing friends who I love and I'm happy. Situations like that are always hard, when you don't know anyone and everything seems different and new. My advice would be to be you, stay strong and be confident. However hard things get...

To fit in, people think they have to look or act a certain way. Especially in high school, where girls are crazy bitches ( most cases haha) and popularity is a (dumb) contest. Where to fit in you are expected to be pretty, and have long hair, and perfect skin, and be stick thin ect. All of these expectations are STUPID. As we all know, everyone is different. There is so much variation and no one has the same personality or looks exactly the same (not even twins). We should embrace these differences, we should not try to fit in but instead try to stand out. 

So, don't throw your personality away to fit in, be the cow in a herd of sheep. Be different and be as weird as you want. And love every second of it because you are you and you can be nothing more or nothing less. Which is beautiful because this makes each and every one of us in this world unique. 

Start doing what you want to do and don't try to be 'perfect' try to be perfectly you. Don't let all the expectations of society suffocate you, just breath. Learn to love your body, personality, differences and imperfections. Just learn to love yourself. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself, even your flaws. Remember you are good enough and don't let anyone tell you other wise. People will judge you for no reason, don't let it get to you because it says more about them than it does about you. Embrace you. 

Beautiful Dreamer 

Embrace the small things

 Hey there, 

It's weird how fast time goes by, we wish it away. Always looking towards the future, thinking about our plans and dreams, wanting the days to go by faster. That is why time goes by so fast, because we want it to.

 Everyday is a routine, going to school or work or college. This makes everyday insignificant, which is okay I think, some days have to be insignificant for others to be awesome and memorable. Some days are just completely terrible and all you feel is sadness, but these dark corners in your life only make the good times better. Yes, darkness can be scary and we can feel afraid and alone, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. These sad days make you appreciate everything more and realize how special life is, because we've been through the sadness and hurt and know the pain in it. 

We look to tomorrow for a better life, but why not make your life better today? Live in the present? Make days significant? Learn something new. Do the things you love. Do things that are crazy and wild, that push your limits. Spend time with the people you love, and be happy. 

The simplest things can make u smile. The best things in life come free to us. We don't stop to appreciate them, we should always be thankful. Once in a while stop and smell the roses. Be grateful of the life you live and the people in it and embrace the small things. 

So don't look towards the future, enjoy the spectacular now and be happy. Smile. Time is too precious to waste, so don't wish it away. 

Beautiful Dreamer